View sent e-mail

You can see a history of listing reports that you have e-mailed from the MLS (manually or through auto-prospecting) during the past 30 days.

To view all sent e-mail (for the last 30 days)

  1. From the Admin menu choose View Sent E-mail.
  2. Use the tabs near the top of the page to toggle between viewing Auto-Prospecting e-mail or Manual e-mail (sent using the E-mail button in the MLS toolbar).

View e-mail for a specific prospect (for the last 30 days)

  1. From the Contacts menu choose Contacts/Prospects.
  2. Locate the desired prospect, then click the corresponding icon. Or, click one of the numbered hyperlinks below the Prospect Cart column to access their Prospect Cart, then click the View E-mail History link located in the Options pane.

Vie e-mail for a specific listing (for the last 30 days)

  1. From the Admin menu, choose View Sent E-mail.
  2. In the Filters area near the top of the page, enter the desired listing number in the Listing # field, and click Search.

The following information and options are available for each e-mail record:

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